It's Raven Starr

How I went from desperate and divorced to helping hosts create unique stays, offer a once in a life time guest experience, increase their revenue and change industry standards! 




*Raven grew up in Canada, as Kimberly Rosadiuk (Rosa) and legally changed her name on her 40th birthday to "Raven Luna Starr"

*Her "This bag is a dress" patented swimwear cover-up was featured on Canada's legendary TV show "Dragon's Den". Season 6 episode 10

*Raven followed her dream and moved to Hawaii in Jan. 2014 where she sold her beach dresses on the beach, before starting her airbnb journey

*Raven is loves animals! She has adopted 3 cats and feeds around 13 cats daily. "Crazy cat lady"... go ahead, say it ;)

*Her special talent: killing with kindness




Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results

Albert Einstein

Everything you've wanted is on the other side of fear

George Addair

If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


Aloha, I’m Raven Starr, a.k.a “The BnBe Bada$$”

I’m a seasoned vacation rental super host, interior designer, investor & airbnb coach based on Maui.  It’s such a pleasure meeting you. I’m so glad you’re here and I look forward to connecting!

My airbnb journey … Desperation and hard financial times lead me into the vacation rental world. I was a struggling fashion designer and after my divorce I needed to figure out how to pay rent on my own, and fast! A lady I met, who is now one of my mentors, told me about her new airbnb venture. This peaked my interest. I love hosting friend and family, and meeting new people sounded exciting. I had a cute guest room set up in the house I was renting so I took a few photos and put up my first listing opening up the the calendar for the day after my ex husband moved out and back to Las Vegas.

I had no clue what I was doing, and no clue what to expect. I was so nervous. I worried about strangers staying in my house, especially since I was now living alone. I had no clue if people would even want to book my guest room since I was in a more remote area oof the island that tourists typically don’t even hear about. All I knew… is that I had to pay rent on my own in 15 days so this better work and I was willing to figure it out as I went along.

To my surprise, I work up the next morning with my first booking! There was no backing out now, it was go time!

Luckily, my it was my gusts first using airbnb as well. They too had no clue what to expect and were a bit nervous. The next few guests I had were avid Airbnb users. During their stay I started conversation about their stay at other airbnb’s, what their favorite places were and why and tried to learn as much as I could. I learned a lot from my mistakes and took all criticism as constructive. There weren’t many resources back then, so this was the hardest but best way to learn on what it takes to BnBe Badass.

Using my 20 years in design experience, 7 years as a super host with over 50 listings, I have created my airbnb empire.  My super power is creating unique stay and help build community. One of my favorite experience stays I created was “Aloha Surf Camp”. It provided affordable housing for people on island, mixed with a safe fun place for tourists to park their camper vans and enjoy what the north shore of Oahu had to offer. The slogan there was “This is juts what I needed”. It really was a magical place with a community vibe we all strived for, especially during these last few interesting years. I only invest in vacation rentals that have purpose, and…  give airbnb a good name. Now, I use my personal struggles and successes and coach aspiring and struggling hosts in the vacation rental industry, helping them increase their cash flow by creating unique stays and once in a life time experiences for guests, while changing industry standards.

You’re reading this, which tells me you are ready to start building your airbnb empire. That you want to stand out from the crowd, create an experience for your guests and help improve the industry standards!

YAS Badass! Let’s do this!


MY WHY has changed a lot in the last few years. My initial goal was to pay rent. But what does that really mean? To me it was a huge release of stress. I struggled for so many years as a self-employed fashion designer. Having my rent paid, allowed me more time to work on my craft. How does financial freedom and more time to do what you love sound to you? RIGHT!?!

After starting multiple vacation rentals, I decided to retire my fashion design career and use my design skills to create vacation rentals with the best experience I could offer my guests. I started with creating theme rooms in my house, which brought me design projects for other airbnb owners, which later led me to the start up of “Aloha Surf Camp”. The guests I was attracting were THE BEST and the feedback I was getting was positive and up-lifting. I found my sweet spot, creating unique stays. Seeing how happy guests were shifted MY WHY. I no longer invest in basic vacation rentals, I invest in the entire experience. It’s not about the extra money I’m able to charge for the extra love I put into a place, it’s about making sure each guest makes a lasting memories and is inspired.

Being an "airbnb Badass" I get a lot of negative feedback as soon as the word “airbnb” comes out of my mouth. There are many opinions and controversies around the topic of “vacation rentals”. I have made it my mission to make sure that all my guests have a five star experience, that I'm neighborly, help educate haters, and help grow community with each step in my business.  

Through the years many of my guests have approached me and asked me for guidance on how to get started and what my inspiration was for each of my unique stays. I decided break down my airbnb business blueprint and simplifying it into actionable steps to coach aspiring hosts how to start a successful "Bada$$" vacation rental, attract their ideal guest and stand out from the crowd. I take them on a journey on how to build their own vacation rental empire. MY BIGGEST WHY is seeing what my clients gain from owning a cash flowing, memory creating unique stay.

How would it change your life if you had the opportunity to make extra money and have extra time? Now dig deeper…

What’s you'r WHY?

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